
AI in Education: the Advantages and Disadvantages

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising many sectors and education is no exception. AI encompasses a broad spectrum of technologies that enable computers to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. In education, AI holds the potential to personalise learning experiences, automate grading, streamline admin tasks and enhance teaching methods.

Artificial Intelligence in education

Artificial Intelligence in education refers to the use of AI tech to enhance learning processes, streamline admin tasks and provide personalised learning experiences. These technologies encompass machine learning algorithms, natural language processing and data analytics, among others, to analyse vast amounts of educational data and generate insights to optimise teaching and learning outcomes. 

Advantages of Artificial Intelligence in Education

By using AI technologies in a considered and responsible way, educators can create more inclusive, engaging and effective learning environments that meet the diverse needs of today's students.

Personal learning experiences

One of the most significant advantages of AI in education is its ability to deliver personalised learning experiences. By analysing data on students' learning styles, preferences and performance, AI algorithms can adapt content, pacing and activities to improve each individual student’s studies.

Accessible education

Further to this is AI’s ability to make education more accessible for students with different learning needs and abilities. Through adaptive learning platforms and assistive technologies, AI can accommodate students with disabilities, learning differences or language barriers by providing tailored support and accommodations. This ensures that all students have equal access to educational opportunities and can participate fully in the learning process.

Automating administration

When it comes to routine admin tasks, like grading and scheduling, AI technologies can be used to free up educators' time to focus on teaching and student support. Automated grading systems can mark tests quickly and accurately, providing immediate feedback to students while reducing the burden on teachers. AI software can optimise course schedules and resource allocation for admin staff who create the school schedules, ensuring efficient use of time and resources.

Data analysis

AI systems can also analyse data to identify at-risk students and help educators to provide early intervention and support. By monitoring indicators such as attendance, participation and assessment scores, AI algorithms can flag students who may be struggling academically or socially and alert educators to intervene promptly.

Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence in Education

While AI has the potential to enhance education in many ways, it’s important to recognise the potential downsides and to identify how to address these.

Data concerns

People who use AI tech also need to be aware of the concerns about data privacy and security: AI systems collect and analyse vast amounts of student data, including personal information, learning profiles and behavioural patterns and there is a risk that this sensitive data may be compromised, misused or exploited for commercial or unethical purposes. Safeguarding student privacy and ensuring data security are essential considerations in developing and implementing AI-driven educational technologies.


AI algorithms may also be subject to any bias or discrimination present in the data used during their training. For example, automated grading systems may favour certain writing styles or content over others, causing those students who write in different styles or on separate topics to be downgraded. Addressing algorithmic bias requires careful data selection, algorithmic transparency and ongoing monitoring to mitigate the risk of discrimination.

Reduction in human skills

When students rely heavily on automated solutions for learning and assessment, they may become less adept at independent thinking, creativity and collaboration. An overreliance on AI technologies in education may hinder the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Job obsolescence

As AI systems take on tasks such as grading, tutoring and administrative duties, there is a risk that traditional teaching roles may diminish or be rendered obsolete. While AI is a useful tool for improving efficiency and productivity, it’s important to consider the potential impact on employment and the need for reskilling and upskilling initiatives to support educators.

The use of AI in education poses various ethical and legal challenges related to accountability, transparency and fairness. Educators and policymakers must question the ethical use of student data, algorithmic decision-making and the implications of AI-driven educational interventions on student autonomy and agency. Establishing clear guidelines, regulations and ethical frameworks for the responsible development and deployment of AI technologies in education is critical to safeguarding students' rights and well-being.

Examples of Artificial Intelligence in Education

AI for Teachers

Teachers can use AI-powered platforms like Gradescope[DH1]  or Turnitin to automate the grading of assignments and tests. These systems use machine learning algorithms to analyse student responses and provide instant feedback on grammar, content and plagiarism, saving teachers valuable time on manual grading tasks.

AI-powered learning management systems (LMS) like Moodle or Canvas incorporate adaptive learning algorithms that tailor course materials and activities to individual student needs. Teachers can use these platforms to create personalised learning paths for students, adjusting content and pacing based on students' learning preferences, strengths and weaknesses.

Platforms like Brightspace Insights or Google Classroom Analytics analyse student data, such as quiz scores, engagement metrics and attendance records, helping teachers track student progress and performance. This allows them to identify at-risk students, monitor learning trends and inform instructional decision-making.

AI-powered virtual teaching assistants, such as IBM's Watson Assistant for Education, can assist teachers with administrative tasks, answer student enquiries and provide support with lesson planning and curriculum development. These virtual assistants use natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning to understand and respond to questions and requests from teachers and students.

AI for Students

Students can benefit from AI-powered adaptive learning platforms like Khan Academy or Duolingo, which tailor educational content and activities to their individual learning needs and preferences. These platforms use algorithms to assess students' strengths and weaknesses, provide targeted practice exercises and adjust difficulty levels in real-time to optimise learning outcomes.

AI-driven tutoring systems, such as Carnegie Learning's MATHia or Squirrel AI, provide personalised tutoring and feedback to students in various subjects, including math, science and language arts. These systems use cognitive models and learning analytics to adapt instruction to each student's unique learning style and pace, offering interactive lessons, practice problems and explanations.

Students can use AI-powered language learning apps like Babbel or Rosetta Stone to practice speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in foreign languages. These apps use speech recognition technology, natural language processing and personalised feedback to assess pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary mastery, enabling students to learn at their own pace and track their progress.

Students can interact with AI-powered chatbots like Brainly or Socratic to ask questions, receive instant explanations and access educational resources on a wide range of topics. These chatbots use natural language understanding and machine learning algorithms to provide accurate and relevant responses to students' queries, helping them to better understand complex concepts and solve problems.

How can CHG-MERIDIAN help?

Here at CHG-MERIDIAN, we are a leading provider of technology management solutions and offer flexible leasing and financing options for AI-enabled educational technologies. We enable educational institutions to acquire the latest AI-powered devices, software, and infrastructure without large upfront investments. This ensures that limited budgets are free to support students in other ways, as well as supporting institutions in refreshing this equipment so that the technology does not become obsolete.  

Get in touch with CHG-MERIDIAN today. We offer a range of tailored asset finance solutions, and our friendly team is on hand to answer any questions you may have.

Contact Us

We would love to hear from you! If you have any questions or would like some advice on how Artificial Intelligence capable technology can be implemented in your learning environment, get in touch with the Education Team via or contact us directly.

Martyn Maskell

Business Development Manager - Education Team

Hannah Hulm

Business Development Manager – Education Team

Kim Plumb

Business Development Manager - Education Team