Sustainability is all well and good, but I lack the resources.

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Sustainability is all well and good, but I lack the resources.

Sustainable IT solutions do not necessarily mean extra work. We offer ready-made services that you can quickly and easily integrate. We take care of the entire process.
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Supply bottlenecks are presenting me with challenges.

We offer our customers a one-stop solution, as part of which we refurbish and remarket decommissioned assets. This increases the supply of IT devices to the market.
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Up-to-date, mobile & sustainable IT – how can I provide this?

We help you to make a sustainable, functional hybrid working environment available to your users. And if the requirements change, we take care of any adjustments.
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The future of IT procurement

The tasks of an IT department are numerous and wide-ranging. It has to ensure that the necessary IT infrastructure is available to enable colleagues to work efficiently, securely, and flexibly. This ties up a lot of resources. New requirements, for example that IT should be sustainable, present an additional challenge. Our e-book explains how you can make your IT sustainable WITHOUT tying up resources.


What do our customers say?

“CHG-MERIDIAN gives us truly comprehensive support throughout the technology lifecycle, from advice and procurement to end-of-lease and data erasure. This has enabled us to noticeably increase our productivity and profitability. For us, the collaboration is an excellent and close partnership.”
Ulf Kütemeyer, Senior Manager Contracting & Procurement, Panasonic Information Systems Company Europe

FAQ: What you need to know as an IT manager

How can sustainable IT be implemented without tying up resources?

We are well aware of the increasing demands and numerous tasks that you face. That is why we take work off your hands and give you access to our tesma platform, which allows you to easily and flexibly manage your IT. Our business model, based on the circular economy, and our carbonZER0 offsetting option ensure that your IT is sustainable. You can simply add these services to your existing order with no extra effort. 

Why should I remarket my IT assets?

IT assets that you no longer use, such as PCs, laptops, and smartphones, are professionally refurbished and remarketed. This enables us to make a substantial contribution to the reduction in electronic waste while increasing the availability of IT devices on the market. This is a very relevant topic at the moment, and one that is of growing importance to companies whose internal strategies entail using refurbished equipment in some areas of their IT landscape.

How Can I Check My Supplier's Commitment to Sustainability?

You can use a platform such as EcoVadis, for example. It provides information on many companies' commitment to corporate social responsibility, and ranks them accordingly. CHG-MERIDIAN has a silver rating, placing it in the top 25 percent of sustainable companies.

How Should We Document Our Company's Sustainability Efforts?

Sustainability managers are already obliged to provide a wide range of documentation and are accountable for corporate social responsibility along the supply chain. That is why CHG-MERIDIAN uses the EcoVadis platform to transparently document our commitment to sustainability. And our customers receive an official certificate when they offset the emissions of their IT equipment. 

What happens to any sensitive data stored on the equipment at the end of its lifecycle?

The experts in our technology center run a professional and ISO-certified data erasure process (eraSURE®) on every device. We have over 40 years’ experience in data erasure, refurbishment, and recycling.

Users are increasingly asking for sustainable IT devices. How can I satisfy this demand?

You can either rely on a customized business concept that enables you to contribute to the reduction in electronic waste, or you can make your IT carbon-neutral. You can make this decision as a company, or leave it up to your employees when they order their equipment. We take care of the entire process.

How Can I Achieve My Sustainability Targets?

Procurement targets and sustainability targets can work hand in hand. We can make your IT carbon-neutral - with no additional effort and with all the necessary certification.

How Can I Justify the Additional Costs of Green IT?

Sustainable IT need not be expensive. The additional cost of making a smartphone carbon-neutral is just a few cents a month.

How Can My Company Reduce the Amount of Electronic Waste IT Generates?

Around 50 million tonnes of electronic waste is generated each year. We reduce electronic waste by systematically refurbishing and remarketing old equipment. In 2022, we gave 96 percent of lease returns a second lifecycle. Working with our certified recycling partners, we returned the remaining 4 percent to the material cycle as far as technically possible. By the way, we can remarket any IT you already have in your company. The proceeds can be used to bring down the costs of your first project.  

Checklist – your benefits:

  1.  A partner who reduces the burden on you as much as possible.
  2.  An ultra-modern IT landscape that enhances your competitiveness.
  3. The ability to react to a wide range of user requirements.
  4. Sustainable products and services that are functional and keep your users happy.
  5. Maximum security for your data.



1 : 5

Only one in five electronic devices is currently recycled or refurbished. We are changing this.



The number of assets CHG-MERIDIAN remarketed in 2022.


0 hours

The amount of time you need to spend on calculating the CO2 emissions of your IT landscape. Choose carbonZER0® and let us take care of this for you free of charge!

“Sustainability is becoming a must in IT procurement. It requires initiatives that are both effective and affordable. We share information with experts around the world and develop our services and products based on this knowledge.”
Matthias Steybe, Group Sustainability Officer at CHG-MERIDIAN
CHG-MERDIAN Mitgliedschaften & Initiativen

A tour of our technology center

Every year, just under a million assets, from printers to smartphones, are refurbished and remarketed at our technology centers or via our approved partners. Join us on a tour of our technology center in Gross-Gerau.

Excerpt from our e-book

“There is no denying it: Digitalization – from smartphones to streaming and blockchain technology – is responsible for a substantial amount of carbon emissions. The bulk of these are emitted right at the start during raw material extraction and the manufacture of IT equipment. Transport also has a considerable carbon footprint, not least because of the complex structures of global supply chains. Once devices are delivered to the user, they are often used only for a short period of time before being disposed of. This results in millions of tonnes of electronic waste.”

If you want to equip your company for the future and reduce the carbon footprint of your IT without tying up resources, then read our e-book, which contains a checklist of things to bear in mind during implementation.

CHG-MERIDIAN at a glance

2022 Corporate Report

Corporate Factsheet 2022

Sustainability Factsheet 2022