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Millennials are the generation that’s driving the shift in the future of the workspace. They want the ability to be able to work whenever, wherever. They grew up with technology and don’t see the need to work in an office, so long as they get the job done. Previous generations have labelled the millennial generation as ‘entitled’, ‘lazy’ and believe them to be self-absorbed and glued to their phones. I’m sure in our personal lives we’ve all walked past a group of twenty-somethings who are out for dinner whilst sitting on their phone. Now while older generations may perceive this as unsociable and use it as ammunition for why millennials lack the social skills that are required in the workplace, we like to look at how this digital transformation and enterprise mobility, in particular, can actually benefit organisations.
By allowing your millennial employees to work when and where they see fit your organisation's productivity will inevitably increase. By providing your employees with the ability to work without the presence of distractions you’ll only find that they can achieve more in their day. Furthermore, a change in the work setting can provide a much-needed boost to your employee's focus and keep them happy.
Enterprise mobility allows your employees to be connected anywhere, at any time. Now your employees will be able to contact and deal with that customer query or complaint whether they’re on the train, in a coffee shop or at home, allowing them to fulfil the needs of the customer effectively and efficiently.
With a range of hardware manufacturers producing technology for the enterprise mobility arena, there has been an increased focus on EMM (Enterprise Mobility Management) solutions, which work to secure and protect your devices sensitive data. An increasing number of companies are looking to adopt a mobility solution and security is often a big stumbling block. In an ideal world, you’ll be able to work with a company who has experience in the technology management sector, that can enable significant cost savings. That will ensure the smooth rollout of your devices in addition to providing continuous support, asset care and an asset management system. Finally resulting in the collection of your assets and certified data erasure, which is approved by the NCSC and BSI ensuring the current highest standards for the deletion of your data.
We’d love to hear from you! Enterprise mobility is a trend we only expect to grow. Feel free to contact one of our experts directly or fill in our short form below for a no-obligation conversation on the best practices for your own mobility strategy.
Country Service Manager
Head of Sales - UK & Ireland Corporate
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